Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ooops, am I Chinese?

The San Francisco Bay Area is a culturally very diverse place. I live here and I feel like a normal person.

Until I saw this video today about this video Ad. The CNN video news is about Pete Hoekstra running a political AD featuring a Chinese women thanking America for allowing her to be rich. Pete, resorting to this racially targeted Ad and name calling by registering a domain name called debbiespendit and And the

Okay, so... I wasn't particularly insulted by this blatantly racist video. I mean, my quality of life is so good that I have become complacent about racial issues surrounding me and my people in the United States. In particular, I find that I don't find it insulting, that it is often said that "The Chinese are stealing American jobs!" President Obama says it, Gingrich says it, Romney says it, everybody who's any body says it.

Let's see now, why is the Chinese "stealing" American jobs? I thought the expression "stealing" is the action of not paying enough $ for product or services?!

As a Chinese I think I should at least object to this racial attack saying Chinese is doing something bad to American when no such action is taken, at least not at the scale that these people suggests.

As an American, I should object to this because the Chinese CANNOT "steal" my job! And if they can, then I can do something about it. I just cannot believe this! This is absolutely the worst thing to be saying as an American! 

Let's become competative! let's beat them! let's work harder, let's make better products and design better things. Let us work better together as one people. Let us not blame the Chinese for doing that, let's blame ourselves for not doing that better!

GOD! I am so fucking insulted!!!!!

I feel so ashamed!!!!

And worst of all, it took a stupid fucking CNN news piece to point out that for so many years, with the president and all those so called "leaders of America" calling me TO MY FACE, through TV and video and all media, that as a Chinese I steal! and that as an American I allow myself to be stolen from and not realizing that I am being spoken to. As myself, I am horrified at my ability to think critically.